Months 6-12 weeks 3-4 months 4-6 months 6-12 months 12-18 months 18-24 months
Expected Adult Dog Body Weight Daily feeding quantity (g)
1 kg 35 - 55 55 - 55 55 - 55 55 - 45 45 - Adult Adult
5 kg 90 - 140 140 - 145 145 - 155 155 - 125 125 - Adult Adult
10 kg 115 - 200 200 - 220 220 - 235 235 - 200 200 - Adult Adult
25 kg 165 - 335 335 - 370 370 - 470 470 - 370 370 - Adult Adult
45 kg 225 - 340 340 - 455 455 - 510 510 - 515 515 - 515 515 - 530
70 kg 310 - 500 500 - 595 595 - 725 725 - 720 720 - 705 705 - 715
A glass of 250 ml / One half pint mug holds approximately 100g of Bakers Puppy.
To help keep your dog in an optimal body condition, adjust according to your dog's activity level, physical condition and individual needs.Clean, fresh drinking water should always be available.
Recommended number of feedings are as follows:
Feed puppies less than 3 months of age 3 to 4 daily feedings of moistened food.
After 3 months of age, gradually reduce moistening and feed 3 times per day.
From 6-12 months, provide 2 daily feedings. Each puppy is different, depending on his activity level and body condition, food amount may need to be adjusted. For more details please check the brand website.
Feeding during gestation and lactation: During the last 3 to 4 weeks of pregnancy and while nursing, food allowances should be increased 1.5 to 2 fold maintenance levels.
After weaning, the mother’s food should be adjusted to maintain her at an ideal body condition.
Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. To monitor your dog’s health, consult a veterinary surgeon regularly.
Introduce Bakers gradually over 7 days.
Recommended number of meal per day: < 3 months : 3-4 meals (moistened), 3-6 months : 3 meals, 6-12 months : 2 meals. Reduce the amount of food offered if the puppy becomes overweight.
These amounts are guidelines only. The recommended daily amounts should be adjusted to weather conditions, the dog's level of activity and its physical condition. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. To monitor your dog’s health, consult a veterinary surgeon regularly.